We, here at We Aint Mental, are an up-and-coming mental health community and awareness store; and have embarked on a mission to eradicate the stigmas, taboos, stereotypes and prejudices associated with mental health — through the internet. 🙅‍♂️

Our Mission

About Us
Photo of Rishit Kedia

Rishit Kedia


We, here at We Aint Mental, are an up-and-coming mental health community and awareness store; and have embarked on a mission to eradicate the stigmas, taboos, stereotypes and prejudices associated with mental health — through the internet. 🙅‍♂️

Hey there! 👋

Mental health is a funny thing; almost everyone experiences it in some form or another — some less, some more — but most do not care to admit it. Ah, the stigma!

There's still so much stigma and taboo attached to mental illness, and mental health in general. When people talk about mental health, they often have a negative connotation. They usually reference the kind of mental health that is associated with severe mental disorders; fear-the-mad-and-dark-side stuff.

People have grown accustomed to using words like "mad", "crazy", "mental" and "psycho" when referring to anyone that they find annoying, or different, or that they do not relate to or agree with. We can't begin to tell you how many times we've heard words like these thrown around — during heated arguments and normal conversations — between friends and loved ones alike; we're pretty sure you've heard these too.

In reality, what we're doing is hurting those who suffer from mental illness or poor mental health. It can be extremely difficult to admit that we need help, and the society around us definitely does not make it any easier.

That's why it's so imperative for us to spread knowledge and awareness, help break the stigma around mental health, and create a conducive environment for everyone to openly talk about this — so that we can understand and support each other.

We strongly believe that by eliminating these stereotypes and prejudices — and the negative attitudes toward mental illness — we can enable equitable support and treatment, better quality of life, and healthier lifestyles for people with compromised mental health.

It's high time we realize that it's us who define mental illness — not the other way around.

Breaking our silence can make all the difference to those around us who have been affected by mental illness. Being open and honest about what we're going through can give others the strength and courage to do the same and reach out for help.

We, here at We Aint Mental, are an up-and-coming mental health community and awareness store; and have embarked on a mission to eradicate the stigmas, taboos, stereotypes and prejudices associated with mental health — through the internet. 🙅‍♂️

We're passionately committed to spreading hope, positivity, happiness, love, peace, inspiration and motivation among the community — all while promoting self-care and raising awareness for mental health — are you?

Come join us in this journey and help us support each other.

With ❤️,
Rishit from We Aint Mental